Are You Ready for a Campaign?

Are You Ready for a Campaign?

The September 2022 TDG newsletter explained that there is a process to develop a successful campaign. You want to be sure that you have all of your elements in place before you begin.  Ultimately the first step in preparing for your capital campaign is to hire...
Ignore Volunteer Training at Your Peril

Ignore Volunteer Training at Your Peril

Years ago, when I was running a capital campaign for a K-12 school, one of our parents came to me with a great idea. She wanted to host a dinner and invite all the parents from her child’s class. She would ask each to pledge $5,000 over five years. The evening would...
Pack a Punch with Powerful Story Telling

Pack a Punch with Powerful Story Telling

Juggling flaming chainsaws. That’s what television producers were told back in the day about what they’re competing with to capture viewers’ attention. Take the six o’clock news. There’s also dinner on the stove, kids calling for help with homework, and the dog...
When Opportunity Knocks…

When Opportunity Knocks…

As fundraising organizations and leaders within these organizations, many of us see Legacy Giving as something we wish we could devote more time to. Legacy Giving has been one of the most discussed areas of fundraising during the pandemic as it has amplified the...
What Are Your Alumni Engagement Goals?

What Are Your Alumni Engagement Goals?

All charitable organizations have their own unique supporters, people who are passionate about the cause and support both through donations and through volunteering. An each year, charities continue to spread their message, hoping to expand their network of donors and...
Be A Good Steward

Be A Good Steward

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel While by definition, stewardship is, “the careful and responsible management of...