Creatively Thanking Your Donors 

In our November blog, we focused on developing your organization’s stewardship plan; this month our focus turns to more specifically, how you thank your donors. There is an art to building and maintaining strong, meaningful relationships with the people who support your cause or mission. It’s not just about raising funds. It’s about creating a lasting impact, fostering trust and ensuring the sustainability of the causes we hold dear. 

So, how do we carry out effective donor stewardship? Recognizing that donors are not just financial contributors but are partners in a shared vision is a start. To truly honour their commitment and generosity, we must go beyond transactional exchanges. Donors are individuals with unique stories, passions, and motivations. By taking the time to understand their values and interests, nonprofits can tailor their stewardship strategies to resonate with each donor on a personal level. 

Recognition is not limited to top tier donors. Every donor, regardless of the size of their gift, appreciates being acknowledged. A simple thank-you note, a personalized phone call, or an invitation to a special event can go a long way in making donors feel valued and appreciated. It’s not about the amount they give; it’s about the heart and intention behind their gift – and therefore, the intention behind your organization’s stewardship plan. 

Interestingly, only 29% of people expect a “thank you” after a donation, as reported in the 2023 Blackbaud Donor Behaviour Report. This is surprisingly low, but it could be an indication of how often people have been thanked in the past. If the majority of supporters are not expecting a thank you, think of how impactful a thank you will be! And if your organization is not thanking donors already, start now – and make your organization stand out and be remembered. 

Not all donors are the same, and their preferences for engagement may vary. Some donors prefer to attend events and network with like-minded individuals, while others may appreciate written updates and opportunities for volunteering. By tailoring interactions to suit donor preferences, nonprofits can build stronger, more lasting relationships. Here are TDG’s top 7 ways to thank your donors. 

Handwritten Thank You Notes 

In today’s fast-paced digital world, receiving a handwritten thank you note might sound like a blast from the past. Taking the time to send personalized notes to donors, volunteers and advocates goes a long way in making supporters feel appreciated. Include how their gift made a difference.  

Research looking at high net-worth donors found that 44% are motivated by the belief that their gift can make a difference.*

Further research found that 56% of organizations saw an increase in donors after sharing success stories.**   

Social Media Shoutouts 

Leverage your organization’s social media platforms to publicly recognize your supporters. Feature stories, photos and testimonials to showcase the impact they’ve made. Use specific hashtags or campaigns to make the recognition more visible and shareable. 

Thank You Videos  

Personalized thank you videos have become a powerful way to show appreciation. Nonprofits can simply use their smart phones to take videos of staff, beneficiaries, or volunteers expressing their gratitude directly to supporters. Share the videos via email, social media, or on your organization’s website, making the appreciation message personal and engaging. 

Thank You Events 

Organize in-person or virtual events that bring supporters and the nonprofit community together. These events can include Q&A sessions with beneficiaries, tours of your organization’s facilities, or recognition ceremonies to acknowledge outstanding supporters. 

Volunteer Recognition Programs 

Volunteers are the backbone – and front line – of so many nonprofits. Create a volunteer recognition program that includes badges, certificates, or an annual volunteer appreciation event. Recognizing their time and effort can foster a sense of belonging and loyalty. 

Thank You Workshops or Webinars 

Host workshops or webinars related to your nonprofit’s field of work and invite supporters to participate. Not only does this provide them with valuable information, but it also demonstrates your commitment to their personal growth and involvement. 

Donor Appreciation Wall 

Create a virtual or physical donor appreciation wall on your website or at your organization’s location. Feature the names and stories of your supporters, allowing them to see their lasting impact and inspire others to get involved. 

The above ideas can help you engage and retain your supporters while ensuring they feel valued and connected to your mission. Stewardship is an ongoing, dynamic process. Staying in touch regularly, updating donors on your organization’s progress, and involving them in decision making when appropriate can deepen their commitment and trust. Remember that a little creativity and thoughtfulness can go a long way and transform donors into lifelong advocates, ambassadors and, in some cases, major benefactors. When donors can see the real-world change they’ve helped to create, they are more likely to stay engaged and continue supporting the cause. 


The Dennis Group Inc. can help your organization create strategies to achieve success in all areas of non-profit management, including research, campaign and fund development expertise, organizational development and planning, communications and stewardship. Contact us to learn more.   

** State-of-Storytelling-in–the–Nonprofit-Sector.pdf 
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